

Hangchi Solar Energy presents the Blade Series Integrated Solar Street Light – Triton, an embodiment of technological advancement and robustness. Engineered for longevity and superior performance, Triton is the ideal lighting solution for a wide range of outdoor applications, ensuring bright, sustainable, and cost-effective illumination.


Performance and Sustainability: The Triton series is a breakthrough in high-efficiency lighting with a luminous efficiency of 195lm/W. It’s designed to deliver exceptional performance, providing brilliant lighting while minimizing energy consumption, making it a perfect choice for off-grid roadway lighting.

Robust and Durable Construction: Made with the highest grade corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy and 316 stainless steel components, the Triton series is built to last. It’s rated IP66 for water resistance and IK08 for impact resistance, ensuring durability against the harshest weather conditions, including heavy rains, snows, or storms.

Eco-Friendly Operation: As an environmentally friendly lighting option, the Triton series is 100% powered by solar energy, reducing fossil fuel consumption and eliminating pollution. Its self-contained design includes automatic daylight sensing for light on/off control, making it a smart, eco-conscious choice.

Versatility and Easy Installation: This series offers an extendable solar panel for more demanding applications, ensuring high performance in short sunny hours. It’s easy to install and maintain, requiring no trenching or cabling work. The Triton series is adaptable for various environments, from streets and pathways to remote areas and military bases.

Technology and Warranty: Utilizing only top-quality monocrystalline silicon solar panels and quality lithium batteries, Triton ensures a long lifetime and reliable energy storage. It includes high lumen LED for maximum efficacy and features an advanced MPPT controller with dimming capabilities for power-save management. The product is backed by a five-year warranty, reflecting Hangchi Solar Energy’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Additional Features: The Triton series also includes various modes for adaptable lighting control, including constant mode, dusk to dawn mode, and motion sensor mode. These features, combined with the product’s high performance, durability, and environmental benefits, make the Blade Series Integrated Solar Street Light – Triton a smart investment for any business looking for reliable and sustainable outdoor lighting solutions.


Additional information


30W, 40W, 50W, 60W, 80W, 90W, 100W, 120W, 150W

Solar panel

60W-150W 18V


12.8V, 25.6V 24-48 Ah


5 Years


195 LM/W

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